cwheat@mit: research 
Working Papers

Organizational Identity & the Structure of Competition
Légitimité Sans Frontières: Entrepreneurial Name Choices in British Public Copmanies, 1844-1904.
Division by zero: disaggregation in the analysis of accounting profits, 1984-1994.
Where industry boundaries matter: individual and collective determinants of entry in U.S. markets, 1984-1994.
The continuing significance of place: producer location and exchange in international markets, 1962-1998.
The perceptual frontier: public identity, private structure, and organizational performance.

Stochastic Complexity and Model Selection
Multimodel identification of group structure in network data.


Full Manuscript
Organizational Positions and the Social Structure of Exchange

Individual Chapters
Front Matter
Chapter 1: The Organizational Position Metaphor
Chapter 2: Modeling Organizational Positions
Chapter 3: Stochastic Complexity & Model Selection
Chapter 4: Assessing Industrial Boundaries
Chapter 5: Industry Boundaries and Performance
Chapter 6: Roles and Positions in International Exchange
Chapter 7: Conclusions
Appendix A: Industrial Aggregation
Appendix B: Estimating Industrial Concentration
Appendix C: Assignment of States to World Systems Positions